Thursday, April 3, 2008

H&M Goes Avant-garde?

As reported in WWD, H&M has announced it’s collaboration with Japanese designer Rei Kawakubo founder of Comme des Garcons which is expected to debut in November. If the Kawakubo/H&M collection has any resemblances to Comme des Garcons, we can expect art-inspired, austere and deconstructed pieces. H&M once again helping to move “fashion forward”!

Feminine Fatigue

This light flowing, whimsical tank will add the right feminine touch to any jean, skirt or trouser! If you are looking for a bit more structure add a blazer.

Aspirin to the Rescue

Need whitening underarm stains? The designers of AKA New York swear by aspirin! Place all shirts in the washing machine, add detergent and drop one aspirin when the water has filled the basin and wash as normal. Whitened Ts in one cycle!

1 comment:

HCS said...

Hope this works; just threw out 2 expensive white shirts last week. Thanks! HCS


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Kate Delnero discovered her love for art and fashion in her Grandmother’s attic. During her time at New York University, Kate modeled for Calvin Klein along side Kate Moss & Sofia Coppola. Combined through her work for Aids-Benefits with contributing designers Patricia Field, Donna Karan, and Mario Valentino, Kate’s keen admiration for the fashion industry blossomed. Living and working in New York City for over a decade, Kate Delnero’s experience evolved and expanded into multiple creative roles to include contributing editor, fashion show production and consulting for domestic and international designers/retailers. Kate Delnero continues her work in fashion as a wardrobe consultant and stylist with clients in Atlanta, California, Chicago, London and New York.