Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Power of the Shoulder

Sexy: does not have to be defined by "low-cuts" and/or "mini hemlines".  Do not underestimate the age defying sex appeal of the collarbone and shoulder.

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Kate Delnero discovered her love for art and fashion in her Grandmother’s attic. During her time at New York University, Kate modeled for Calvin Klein along side Kate Moss & Sofia Coppola. Combined through her work for Aids-Benefits with contributing designers Patricia Field, Donna Karan, and Mario Valentino, Kate’s keen admiration for the fashion industry blossomed. Living and working in New York City for over a decade, Kate Delnero’s experience evolved and expanded into multiple creative roles to include contributing editor, fashion show production and consulting for domestic and international designers/retailers. Kate Delnero continues her work in fashion as a wardrobe consultant and stylist with clients in Atlanta, California, Chicago, London and New York. www.fusionofstyle.com